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Current File : /proc/thread-self/root/bin/dbinfo

# Name:         dbinfo -- identify berkeley DB version used to create 
#                         a database file
# Author:       Paul Marquess  <pmqs@cpan.org>
# Version:      1.07 
# Date          2nd April 2011
#     Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

# Todo: Print more stats on a db file, e.g. no of records
#       add log/txn/lock files

use strict ;

my %Data =
        0x053162 =>     # DB_BTREEMAGIC
                          Type     => "Btree",
                          Versions => # DB_BTREEVERSION
                                  1     => [0, "Unknown (older than 1.71)"],
                                  2     => [0, "Unknown (older than 1.71)"],
                                  3     => [0, "1.71 -> 1.85, 1.86"],
                                  4     => [0, "Unknown"],
                                  5     => [0, "2.0.0 -> 2.3.0"],
                                  6     => [0, "2.3.1 -> 2.7.7"],
                                  7     => [0, "3.0.x"],
                                  8     => [0, "3.1.x -> 4.0.x"],
                                  9     => [1, "4.1.x or greater"],
        0x061561 =>     # DB_HASHMAGIC
                          Type     => "Hash",
                          Versions => # DB_HASHVERSION
                                  1     => [0, "Unknown (older than 1.71)"],
                                  2     => [0, "1.71 -> 1.85"],
                                  3     => [0, "1.86"],
                                  4     => [0, "2.0.0 -> 2.1.0"],
                                  5     => [0, "2.2.6 -> 2.7.7"],
                                  6     => [0, "3.0.x"],
                                  7     => [0, "3.1.x -> 4.0.x"],
                                  8     => [1, "4.1.x or greater"],
                                  9     => [1, "4.6.x or greater"],
        0x042253 =>     # DB_QAMMAGIC
                          Type     => "Queue",
                          Versions => # DB_QAMVERSION
                                  1     => [0, "3.0.x"],
                                  2     => [0, "3.1.x"],
                                  3     => [0, "3.2.x -> 4.0.x"],
                                  4     => [1, "4.1.x or greater"],
        0x074582 => 	# DB_HEAPMAGIC
                  		  Type     => "Heap",
                  		  Versions => # DB_HEAPVERSION
                  			    1	      => [1, "5.2.x"],
        ) ;

die "Usage: dbinfo file\n" unless @ARGV == 1 ;

print "testing file $ARGV[0]...\n\n" ;
open (F, "<$ARGV[0]") or die "Cannot open file $ARGV[0]: $!\n" ;

my $buff ;
read F, $buff, 30 ;

my (@info) = unpack("NNNNNNC", $buff) ;
my (@info1) = unpack("VVVVVVC", $buff) ;
my ($magic, $version, $endian, $encrypt) ;

if ($Data{$info[0]}) # first try DB 1.x format, big endian
    $magic = $info[0] ;
    $version = $info[1] ;
    $endian  = "Big Endian" ;
    $encrypt = "Not Supported";
elsif ($Data{$info1[0]}) # first try DB 1.x format, little endian
    $magic = $info1[0] ;
    $version = $info1[1] ;
    $endian  = "Little Endian" ;
    $encrypt = "Not Supported";
elsif ($Data{$info[3]}) # next DB 2.x big endian
    $magic = $info[3] ;
    $version = $info[4] ;
    $endian  = "Big Endian" ;
elsif ($Data{$info1[3]}) # next DB 2.x little endian
    $magic = $info1[3] ;
    $version = $info1[4] ;
    $endian  = "Little Endian" ;
  { die "not a Berkeley DB database file.\n" }

my $type = $Data{$magic} ;
$magic = sprintf "%06X", $magic ;

my $ver_string = "Unknown" ;

if ( defined $type->{Versions}{$version} )
     $ver_string = $type->{Versions}{$version}[1];
     if ($type->{Versions}{$version}[0] )
       { $encrypt = $info[6] ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" }
       { $encrypt = "Not Supported" }

print <<EOM ;
File Type:              Berkeley DB $type->{Type} file.
File Version ID:        $version
Built with Berkeley DB: $ver_string
Byte Order:             $endian
Magic:                  $magic
Encryption:             $encrypt

close F ;

exit ;

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