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Directory :  /proc/thread-self/root/etc/NetworkManager/

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Current File : /proc/thread-self/root/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
# Configuration file for NetworkManager.
# See "man 5 NetworkManager.conf" for details.
# The directories /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/ and /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/
# can contain additional .conf snippets installed by packages. These files are
# read before NetworkManager.conf and have thus lowest priority.
# The directory /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ can contain additional .conf
# snippets. Those snippets are merged last and overwrite the settings from this main
# file.
# The files within one conf.d/ directory are read in asciibetical order.
# You can prevent loading a file /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/NAME.conf
# by having a file NAME.conf in either /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/ or /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/.
# Likewise, snippets from /run can be prevented from loading by placing
# a file with the same name in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/.
# If two files define the same key, the one that is read afterwards will overwrite
# the previous one.


# When debugging NetworkManager, enabling debug logging is of great help.
# Logfiles contain no passwords and little sensitive information. But please
# check before posting the file online. You can also personally hand over the
# logfile to a NM developer to treat it confidential. Meet us on #nm on Libera.Chat.
# You can also change the log-level at runtime via
#   $ nmcli general logging level TRACE domains ALL
# However, usually it's cleaner to enable debug logging
# in the configuration and restart NetworkManager so that
# debug logging is enabled from the start.
# You will find the logfiles in syslog, for example via
#   $ journalctl -u NetworkManager
# Please post full logfiles for bug reports without pre-filtering or truncation.
# Also, for debugging the entire `journalctl` output can be interesting. Don't
# limit unnecessarily with `journalctl -u`. Exceptions are if you are worried
# about private data. Check before posting logfiles!
# Note that debug logging of NetworkManager can be quite verbose. Some messages
# might be rate-limited by the logging daemon (see RateLimitIntervalSec, RateLimitBurst
# in man journald.conf). Please disable rate-limiting before collecting debug logs!

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