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Current File : /proc/thread-self/root/etc/lvm/lvmlocal.conf
# This is a local configuration file template for the LVM2 system
# which should be installed as /etc/lvm/lvmlocal.conf .
# Refer to 'man lvm.conf' for information about the file layout.
# To put this file in a different directory and override
# /etc/lvm set the environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR before
# running the tools.
# The lvmlocal.conf file is normally expected to contain only the
# "local" section which contains settings that should not be shared or
# repeated among different hosts.  (But if other sections are present,
# they *will* get processed.  Settings in this file override equivalent
# ones in lvm.conf and are in turn overridden by ones in any enabled
# lvm_<tag>.conf files.)
# Please take care that each setting only appears once if uncommenting
# example settings in this file and never copy this file between hosts.

# Configuration section local.
# LVM settings that are specific to the local host.
local {

	# Configuration option local/system_id.
	# Defines the local system ID for lvmlocal mode.
	# This is used when global/system_id_source is set to 'lvmlocal' in the
	# main configuration file, e.g. lvm.conf. When used, it must be set to
	# a unique value among all hosts sharing access to the storage,
	# e.g. a host name.
	# Example
	# Set no system ID:
	# system_id = ""
	# Set the system_id to a specific name:
	# system_id = "host1"
	# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
	# system_id = ""

	# Configuration option local/extra_system_ids.
	# A list of extra VG system IDs the local host can access.
	# VGs with the system IDs listed here (in addition to the host's own
	# system ID) can be fully accessed by the local host. (These are
	# system IDs that the host sees in VGs, not system IDs that identify
	# the local host, which is determined by system_id_source.)
	# Use this only after consulting 'man lvmsystemid' to be certain of
	# correct usage and possible dangers.
	# This configuration option does not have a default value defined.

	# Configuration option local/host_id.
	# The lvmlockd sanlock host_id.
	# This must be unique among all hosts, and must be between 1 and 2000.
	# Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support
	# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
	# host_id = 0

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