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Current File : /proc/thread-self/root/etc/tuned/tuned-main.conf
# Global tuned configuration file.

# Whether to use daemon. Without daemon it just applies tuning. It is
# not recommended, because many functions don't work without daemon,
# e.g. there will be no D-Bus, no rollback of settings, no hotplug,
# no dynamic tuning, ...
daemon = 1

# Dynamicaly tune devices, if disabled only static tuning will be used.
dynamic_tuning = 0

# How long to sleep before checking for events (in seconds)
# higher number means lower overhead but longer response time.
sleep_interval = 1

# Update interval for dynamic tunings (in seconds).
# It must be multiply of the sleep_interval.
update_interval = 10

# Recommend functionality, if disabled "recommend" command will be not
# available in CLI, daemon will not parse recommend.conf but will return
# one hardcoded profile (by default "balanced").
recommend_command = 1

# Whether to reapply sysctl from /run/sysctl.d/, /etc/sysctl.d/ and
# /etc/sysctl.conf.  If enabled, these sysctls will be re-appliead
# after TuneD sysctls are applied, i.e. TuneD sysctls will not
# override user-provided system sysctls.
reapply_sysctl = 1

# Default priority assigned to instances
default_instance_priority = 0

# Udev buffer size
udev_buffer_size = 1MB

# Log file count
log_file_count = 2

# Log file max size
log_file_max_size = 1MB

# Preset system uname string for architecture specific tuning.
# It can be used to force tuning for specific architecture.
# If commented, "uname" will be called to fill its content.
# uname_string = x86_64

# Preset system cpuinfo string for architecture specific tuning.
# It can be used to force tuning for specific architecture.
# If commented, "/proc/cpuinfo" will be read to fill its content.
# cpuinfo_string = Intel

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